Baby Angels

Baby Angels

Hey you,

Hows your day going? I’ve been thinking about all my baby’s today.

My first pregnancy I was 19 and I wasn’t prepared. I was in shock the first couple of days. I decided that I wanted to know the sex, it was a boy; I know that now. His father was my abusive ex boyfriend who had no control over his temper. After a long day at work I came home to an angry boyfriend over I don’t even remember what. Things escalated fast and well it was the best night of my almost 20 years of living.

Now 7 years later I have had 4 more miscarriages. While none of them have ever been my fault for losing and I will never blame myself, I do miss them. I think about them daily, and wonder what the color of their eyes would be or what they would be interested in. So in order for me to grieve them I  decided that I had to name them, it helped the process go smoother; easier.

The lord works in many ways, and I take heart in the fact that I have all those babies in heaven with their grandparents. Now with this pregnancy I have been having such a harder time. I want all of my kids, not just the wonderful 2 I will be having. Please don’t think that I am ungrateful because I am not. I am truly blessed to so far have a fantastic daughter who is caring and silly and to have a wonderful baby boy on the way.

Have you had a loss? If you would life, if you comment a name or date I will be making a new Baby Angels page her on my blog.

Because since we can’t see them, we felt them, for they are never forgotten by us mom’s and dad’s.

Love, Rosa



6 thoughts on “Baby Angels

  1. Thanks so much for being transparent and for sharing! I am so sorry for your loss! I could only imagine how hard it must be to truly move past those heartbreaking moments, but I do wish you lots of strength going forward. God does work in mysterious ways, and while we my not always understand His plan, we must stand on the truth that He allows everything to happen for a reason. It’s never to break us.

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  2. Oh sweet friend, I hear your heart. I experienced my 3rd miscarriage this past May and it’s so painful. I think of my 3 babies so often and still ache over them, sometimes to the point where its hard to shut off the tears. I am so sorry for your losses. We have a hope in knowing that one day we will be reunited with those sweet children we never got to hold. God’s close to the broken hearted. Take care ❤

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